Saturday, 28 January 2012

Kelapa,Ikan dan Seekor Kucing

Yesterday, while I was on the road headingback from Putrajaya to Kuantan, my phone rang and I thought it was my mom. Butit turns out that it was my Cu (my youngest aunt). She asked me whether I'm inthe mood for a home-cooked patin ‘tangkap’? Since I was driving and I didn’t intendto prolong the conversation, I just agreed to drop by at her house in Sungai Isapsince I’ll passed the area anyway.  

Yeah yeah you heard it right, Sungai Isap.Funny eh? I'm not sure the meaning behind the name ‘Isap’ but rest assured itsnot hisap (sucking) kind of Isap. Lol. 

Hojhiromake his grand appearance for the first time in Sungai Isap

ApperentlyHojhiro and I was not the only guest of the house. Harry Boi dropped by to sayhi and joined the party. 

Harry Boi tried to steal my light on being the guest of the house hehehe. Well he only came for the food and its either breakfastor hi-tea. No need to catch up for gossip y’awls. He was too macho for that.

whatchoolookin at punk?
Harry Boi lives next door and if I'm notmistaken he is almost 8 years this year. 8 years and he smells like an old man..pfft

While I was lepaking with my dear uncles,Cu and Azizi, I just notice there is a Kelapa Bonsai tree in front of thehouse. I'm not sure the exact name of this kind of pokok kelapa. Since pendeklike one annoying jawa that I know of, so I just simply call it kelapa bonsai.(that remark is unnessary but juz sayin’ yawls).

There are another three of the same kelapabonsai but this one had the most buah kelapa masak. Since I'm hopeless on thepractical side of life so I was like“heyazizi can we actually eat or drink this coconut?”

And he looked at me wondering whether this guy is for real and said “why not?”

He simply went in to get himself a butcher kind of knife and butchered his sacrifice. There goes an impromptu session ofminum air kelapa bonsai.

Amazingly the air kelapa tasted normal. Imean since its pendek, what do you expect from something pendek kan? Lol.. Anyways,this pendek was satisfyingly good. The sweetness was original and the isikelapa was also fair. I took back home a jug of air kelapa for my mom. As amatter of fact I'm still enjoying the leftover while writing this post.

Aaaaaah here comes the homemade patintempoyak. I enjoyed it like how I enjoyed my tomyam or soup. Hirup sampailicin.

Till we meet again my beloved patin..cant wait to enjoy you with my not so little gang since we have biiiiiiiiiig appetite

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