Wednesday 7 December 2011

Coming soon

Maan..i really hate the feeling when u have to confine your is soo potong stim when you have the need to shout it out loud to the world but you are obligated to refrain yourself and keep it least for the time being

Im sending my one to the other guy tomorrow n will get a replacement for the time being.he's not my type but i used to eye on him jugak.macho but there is a but so mcm love at first sight:u saw him,u drooled,u went head over heels but in a jiff, poof he's out of ur mind..hahaha..takpelah i shall sambut the arrival of my hohjiro next week insyallah..shooo noo name dropping please

haiyoo whyla the clock ticks so slow..cepaaat cannot tahan already..

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